news and events, appearances Amrei Dizon news and events, appearances Amrei Dizon

Expanding Horizons: Navigating Global Markets with Strategic Insight and Adaptability

Dive into the world of global expansion with 'Expanding Horizons: Navigating Global Markets with Strategic Insight and Adaptability.' Discover how entrepreneurs like Amrei from Manila leverage desirability, feasibility, and viability to master international markets. Learn from their experiences on overcoming cultural barriers, legal challenges, and the strategic adaptations necessary for success. Join us in exploring the nuanced approach to taking your business global, where strategic planning meets adaptability.

The event, "Uncharted Territories: Reaching New Markets and Customers," hosted by StartOut, brought together a diverse panel of entrepreneurs and business leaders to discuss the challenges and opportunities of global expansion. The panelists shared their experiences, insights, and strategies for navigating new markets, emphasizing the importance of understanding legal, cultural, and financial barriers. Here's a summary of the key points shared by each speaker:

Romika Devi, co-chair for StartOut's growth stage and founder of Next Level Sobriety, introduced StartOut and its mission to support LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs. She highlighted the organization's achievements and thanked the sponsors for their support.

James Kinesic, co-chair with Romika on the growth programming board for StartOut and founder of Buy the Job, Inc., emphasized the significance of expanding businesses globally and the challenges that come with it, such as legal issues, cultural barriers, and managing work across time zones.

Ethan Mayers, connecting from Tunis, Tunisia, shared his journey as a startup entrepreneur and corporate innovation cell CEO. He stressed the complexities of setting up a business in a foreign market, including legal and financial hurdles, and highlighted his recent book on innovation.

Oscar Pedroso, founder and CEO of, discussed his company's success in the US and its expansion into international markets like Kenya and India. He underscored the importance of education and adapting to different cultures.

Remy Martini, based in Mexico City, shared his experience in the European and Central and South American markets. He discussed the challenges of entering the US market and the importance of understanding local regulations and competition.

Amrei Dizon, from Manila, Philippines, founder of Vitalstrats Creative Solutions, shared her company's approach to global expansion, emphasizing the importance of resonating with diverse audiences through creativity and strategic insight.

The discussion then opened to questions about the unexpected challenges of global expansion, adjustments for international workforces, and the importance of face-to-face meetings in building offshore relationships. The panelists also discussed the importance of understanding local regulations, culture, and the necessity of having a strong local presence or partnerships.

The insightful event "Uncharted Territories: Reaching New Markets and Customers" featured a comprehensive Q&A session that illuminated the diverse experiences and strategies of entrepreneurs navigating global expansion. Among the distinguished panelists, Amrei, from Manila, Philippines, shared valuable insights from her journey with Vitalstrats Creative Solutions, providing a unique perspective on reaching new markets and customers. Here’s a detailed look into the Q&A session, with a special focus on Amrei's contributions:

Q: What were some of the unexpected challenges you encountered with global expansion?

Amrei highlighted the challenge of adapting to different market segments and communication channels. She emphasized the importance of understanding and resonating with diverse audiences through strategic creativity. Specifically, she pointed out the need for thorough market research to understand the customer journeys and platforms used in different countries, underscoring the significance of adapting marketing strategies and creative solutions to meet the needs of global clients.

Q: How have you adjusted your schedule, workday, or business model to accommodate an international workforce or market?

Amrei shared her experience transitioning from a physical office to a remote-first approach, which allowed her company to embrace a more sustainable model and tap into the global market and a more geographically diverse talent pool. She discussed the challenges of managing time zone differences and adapting to various work cultures. By focusing on digital products and marketing consultancy, Amrei’s team has navigated language barriers and tailored their services to English-speaking countries, prioritizing effective communication and solid processes to align with clients across different time zones.

Q: Were there any markets you tried to pursue but decided against due to legal, financial, or cultural differences?

Amrei recounted an opportunity in China that her company had to forego. The primary reasons were the significant language barrier and differing work expectations. She underscored the importance of aligning with partners and clients who share similar values, particularly emphasizing excellence over speed. This experience led to the decision not to pursue the Chinese market, as it conflicted with their commitment to quality and their core values.

Throughout the Q&A session, Amrei’s insights shed light on the nuanced considerations of global expansion, from the importance of market research and adapting business models to the significance of cultural alignment and the challenges of navigating international markets. Her experiences underscored the strategic thinking and adaptability required to succeed in global expansion, providing valuable lessons for entrepreneurs looking to explore new markets.

In conclusion, the event provided valuable insights into the complexities of global expansion, highlighting the importance of thorough preparation, understanding local markets, and building strong local partnerships. The experiences shared by the panelists underscored the potential rewards of global expansion while cautioning against the risks and challenges that come with it.

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Amrei Dizon Amrei Dizon

Embracing the Power of Content Marketing: A Dive into Future Strategies

Dive into the future of content marketing with insights from expert Amrei Dizon. Explore how authenticity, storytelling, and optimizing for audio will redefine strategies in 2024. Learn about adapting to algorithm changes and choosing the right platforms to captivate your audience more effectively.

In a recent episode of the "Magaling Lahat Lunch and Learn" series, hosted by Jerry Ilao, founder of Olern, viewers were treated to a deep dive into the evolving world of content marketing with Amrei Dizon, the managing partner and chief creative officer of Vitalstrats Creative Solutions (VCS). This session, aimed at empowering Filipino entrepreneurs with cutting-edge knowledge, underscored the importance of content marketing in today’s digital landscape, offering insights, strategies, and inspiration for businesses of all sizes.

Promotional poster for 'Magaling Lahat Lunch and Learn' featuring guest speaker Amrei Dizon and host Jerry Ilao, discussing Effective Content Marketing Strategies in 2024 on January 29, from 12nn to 1pm, with Olern logo and advocacy partners listed.

A Convergence of Minds

Jerry Ilao's Olern platform, known for its commitment to providing quality training and opportunities to Filipino entrepreneurs, set the stage for a discussion that was both enlightening and practical. The "Magaling Lahat Lunch and Learn" series, celebrated for its engaging and educational content, once again lived up to its promise by bringing Amrei Dizon to share her expertise.

Content Marketing in 2024: Insights from Amrei Dizon

Amrei Dizon, with her rich background in digital content production and marketing, shed light on the shifts and trends anticipated in content marketing for 2024. She emphasized the critical role of authenticity and storytelling, highlighting how these elements can set businesses apart in a saturated digital space. Dizon's insights into navigating algorithm changes and leveraging AI and VR for personalized content creation were particularly impactful, offering attendees actionable strategies to enhance their content marketing efforts.

Video Snippets: Listen to Ms. Amrei Dizon, Managing Partner of Vitalstrats Creative Solutions, as she shares the 3 marketing trends she sees that businesses take into consideration when producing content this 2024.

Authenticity and Storytelling

What It Means: Authenticity in content marketing emphasizes the genuine representation of your brand's values and experiences. Storytelling involves crafting narratives about your journey, challenges, and successes to connect more deeply with your audience.

How to Do It: Identify unique aspects of your brand and incorporate these into your content. Share stories that highlight your brand's personality and values, making your content relatable and engaging to your audience.

Adapting to Algorithm Changes

What It Means: Staying informed and adaptable to the changes in algorithms of platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram ensures your content remains visible and engaging to your audience.

How to Do It: Regularly update your content strategy based on the latest algorithm changes. Use analytics to monitor content performance and experiment with different content types to see what resonates best with your audience.

Success Stories and Case Studies

Drawing from her vast experience, Dizon shared success stories and case studies that not only inspired but also illustrated the tangible benefits of effective content marketing. These narratives served as powerful examples of how businesses can utilize content marketing to connect with their audiences, build brand loyalty, and drive growth.

What It Means: Examining the content marketing successes of other businesses can provide valuable insights and inspiration for your own strategies.

How to Do It: Research case studies and success stories in your industry. Analyze the tactics used and think about how you can apply similar strategies to your content.

Effective Content Distribution Channels

A key focus of the discussion was on the importance of selecting the right channels and platforms for content distribution. Dizon and Ilao explored how understanding the target audience's preferences and behaviors is essential for making informed decisions about where to share content. They also discussed the role of emerging technologies in creating more engaging and personalized content experiences.

What It Means: Selecting appropriate channels for content distribution is crucial to ensure it reaches your target audience effectively.

How to Do It: Identify where your target audience is most active online and tailor your content to fit the norms and formats of those platforms to maximize engagement and reach.

Optimizing Content for Audio

What It Means: With the rise of voice search and voice-assisted devices, optimizing your content for audio can enhance accessibility and reach a wider audience.

How to Do It: Create content that is easily digestible in audio form. Use natural language and phrases people might use when performing voice searches. Consider creating podcasts or incorporating audio descriptions into your content to cater to users who prefer audio.

The Role of Continuous Learning

Both Dizon and Ilao emphasized the importance of continuous learning and adaptation in the field of content marketing. With the digital landscape constantly evolving, they encouraged entrepreneurs to stay curious, experiment with new tools and techniques, and remain open to change. This mindset, they argued, is crucial for staying ahead in the competitive world of digital marketing.

What It Means: The digital marketing landscape is continuously evolving. Embracing continuous learning allows you to keep your content marketing strategies effective and relevant.

How to Do It: Commit to ongoing education about the latest trends, tools, and changes in content marketing. Apply new knowledge to your strategy, testing and learning from both successes and failures.


The session with Amrei Dizon on Olern's "Magaling Lahat Lunch and Learn" series was a testament to the power of content marketing in the digital age. For Filipino entrepreneurs looking to elevate their businesses, the insights and strategies shared by Dizon offer a valuable roadmap. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing authenticity, leveraging technology, and committing to continuous learning will be key to content marketing success.

For those who missed the live session, the insights and strategies discussed serve as a reminder of the ongoing opportunities for growth and innovation in the world of content marketing. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to tap into resources like Olern for training and support as they navigate the exciting and ever-changing digital marketing landscape.

About Olern

Olern is the premier online learning platform dedicated to empowering Filipino entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in today's competitive business environment. With a wide range of courses and resources, Olern is committed to fostering a community of innovative, resilient, and successful business owners.

For more insights and to explore how you can transform your business with content marketing and other strategies, visit Olern's website.

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Amrei Dizon Amrei Dizon

Thriving Through Change: Amrei Dizon's Masterclass on Resilience, Innovation, and Inclusion in the Creative Industry

Discover key insights from Amrei Dizon's webinar on navigating the creative industry with resilience, innovation, and inclusivity. Learn how VCS thrived through digital transformation, proactive planning, AI integration, and a people-centric culture. A masterclass in adaptability and diversity.

In a thought-provoking webinar hosted by the University of the Philippines Institute for Small-Scale Industries (UP ISSI), industry leaders gathered to discuss navigating challenges and seizing opportunities in the creative and marketing sectors. Among the esteemed speakers was Amrei Dizon, founder and Chief Creative Officer of Vitalstrats Creative Solutions (VCS), who, alongside Henry EE - Business Continuity Planning Asia Pte Ltd’s Managing Director, another distinguished speaker, shared invaluable insights into resilience, innovation, and inclusion. The session, expertly moderated by Ron Allan R. Estrebillo, University Extension Specialist II of UP ISSI, provided a platform for sharing practical strategies and inspirational stories to a diverse audience of entrepreneurs, professionals, and students.

These key takeaways not only reflect the resilience and innovation of Vitalstrats Creative Solutions (VCS) under her leadership but also offer valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and businesses navigating the complexities of today’s market.

Embracing Digital Transformation for Business Continuity

The pandemic underscored the critical importance of digital readiness for businesses across the globe. Amrei Dizon's proactive shift towards digital content and marketing at the onset of the pandemic was a strategic move that safeguarded VCS against the unprecedented challenges that followed. This transition was not just about survival; it was a visionary step that capitalized on digital platforms to reach customers, maintain operations, and continue growth. It highlights the necessity for businesses to adopt digital technologies and platforms, not as an optional enhancement but as a fundamental component of their business strategy.

Strategic Business Continuity Planning as a Cornerstone of Resilience

Dizon credited VCS's resilience to its well-thought-out Business Continuity Plan (BCP), which was in place long before the pandemic struck. This foresight allowed for a seamless transition to remote operations, ensuring the safety of the team while maintaining productivity and client service. The key lesson here is the importance of anticipating potential disruptions and preparing for them through comprehensive planning. A robust BCP encompasses not just the technological aspects of remote work but also the human and operational considerations, ensuring businesses can continue to operate effectively under various scenarios.

Leveraging AI to Foster Innovation and Efficiency

Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into creative and operational processes has been a game-changer for VCS. Dizon's approach to using AI as a tool for enhancing creativity and streamlining project execution is a testament to the transformative potential of technology. This strategy not only improved efficiency but also spurred innovation within the agency. For businesses, this underscores the value of embracing new technologies to augment human creativity and productivity, ensuring they remain competitive and forward-thinking in their offerings.

Building a People-Centric Culture

Central to VCS's success is its emphasis on creating a supportive, inclusive, and diverse workplace culture. Dizon’s commitment to celebrating diversity and prioritizing team well-being has cultivated a collaborative and innovative environment. This approach demonstrates that the strength of a business lies in its people. Investing in a culture that values each team member's unique contributions and fosters their development is crucial for driving creativity, innovation, and loyalty.

Adapting to Changing Market Demands

The pandemic brought about significant shifts in consumer behavior, highlighting the importance of adaptability in business offerings. Dizon's strategic decision to recalibrate VCS's services in response to these shifts exemplifies the need for businesses to remain flexible and responsive to market demands. This adaptability ensures businesses can quickly pivot and capitalize on emerging opportunities, maintaining relevance and driving growth.

Championing Diversity and Inclusion for a Competitive Edge

Dizon’s advocacy for diversity and inclusion is not just about social responsibility; it's a strategic advantage. By fostering an environment where diverse talents and perspectives are valued, VCS has enhanced its creative output and positioned itself as a leader in the industry. This approach shows that diversity and inclusion are not just moral imperatives but critical components of a successful business strategy, driving innovation and attracting a broader client base.

The Imperative of Continuous Learning

In a rapidly evolving industry, continuous learning and skill development are key to staying ahead. Dizon’s emphasis on fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation has kept VCS innovative and competitive. This commitment to learning ensures that the team remains agile, capable of navigating industry trends and technological advancements, and poised for future challenges.

Amrei Dizon’s presentation is a compelling narrative of how resilience, innovation, and inclusivity can drive a business forward even in the face of adversity. Her insights provide valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and businesses striving to navigate the challenges and opportunities of today’s dynamic market landscape.

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Amrei Dizon Amrei Dizon

Celebrating Neurodiversity: Innovative Productivity Strategies Unveiled at the 20th ADHD Awareness Week

🌟 Celebrate 20 years of ADHD Awareness with us! Explore 'Kaleidoscopic Minds' and unlock productivity hacks by Amrei Dizon with the H.E.A.D.S. Strategy. Transform your workflow, automate routines, and enjoy a neurodiverse journey to success. 💡🎉 #ADHDAwareness #ProductivityHacks

In a significant milestone, the 20th ADHD Awareness Week shone a spotlight on the vibrant and multifaceted world of ADHD, encapsulated in the theme, “Kaleidoscopic Minds: The Multifaceted World of ADHD.” This celebration was marked by a series of enlightening webinars organized by the AD/HD Society of the Philippines (ADHDSP) in collaboration with the National Council on Disability Affairs, highlighting the diverse experiences and innovative strategies of individuals with ADHD.

Amrei Dizon, a proud neurodivergent and Chief Creative Officer, took center stage at one of these webinars, sharing her invaluable insights in a session titled “Get Things Done! Productivity Hacks for ADHD Professionals.” Dizon’s presentation was not just a talk; it was a beacon of hope and a treasure trove of practical strategies designed to enhance productivity and efficiency for professionals navigating the challenges of ADHD.

The H.E.A.D.S. Strategy: A Game-Changer for ADHD Productivity

Dizon introduced the groundbreaking H.E.A.D.S. Strategy, a comprehensive approach encompassing five critical areas: HACKS to get things done, ELIMINATE distractions, AUTOMATE processes, DELEGATE tasks, and SIMPLIFY the essence of things. This strategy offers a holistic toolkit for individuals with ADHD, empowering them to achieve their full potential in both personal and professional arenas.

  1. HACKS to Get Things Done: Dizon emphasized the importance of prioritizing significant tasks and employing time management techniques such as time blocking and the Pomodoro technique. These methods not only enhance focus but also prevent burnout, enabling individuals with ADHD to navigate their day with greater efficiency and less stress.

  2. Eliminating Distractions: Creating a distraction-free workspace is crucial. Dizon’s advice to declutter both physical and digital spaces, along with minimizing unnecessary notifications, provides a roadmap to a more focused and productive work environment.

  3. Automating for Efficiency: The call to automate routines and use digital tools for reminders underscores the importance of reducing decision fatigue. This approach enables individuals with ADHD to navigate their day with ease, ensuring that essential tasks are not overlooked.

  4. Delegating Wisely: Recognizing one’s strengths and weaknesses is key to effective delegation. Dizon’s insights into setting clear expectations and conducting regular check-ins offer a framework for leveraging teamwork while maintaining personal and project accountability.

  5. Simplifying the Approach: The strategy to simplify tasks and organize one’s environment can significantly reduce the cognitive load for individuals with ADHD. By employing templates, checklists, and gamification, tasks become more manageable and engaging.

A Community of Neurodivergent Thinkers

The webinar also featured a panel discussion where participants shared their personal productivity hacks, fostering a sense of community and mutual learning. Among them, Carla Nobleza, a Project Manager diagnosed with ADHD and neurosensitivity, shared her success with the Eisenhower Matrix, a testament to the power of personalized productivity strategies.

A Path Forward

The 20th ADHD Awareness Week’s focus on “Kaleidoscopic Minds” has not only celebrated the unique perspectives of individuals with ADHD but also provided them with actionable strategies to navigate their professional lives more effectively. The H.E.A.D.S. Strategy, along with the shared experiences of participants, underscores the rich tapestry of neurodivergent thinking and the potential for innovative approaches to productivity and well-being.

We invite you to share your own productivity tips and hacks. Whether through a transformative app, a strategic workflow adjustment, or a simple mindset shift, your contributions can inspire and empower others in our journey towards greater productivity and fulfillment. Let's continue to learn, adapt, and grow together in this vibrant community.

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